The Octad

Discover the power of Western Philosophy to improve your mental health, fitness, and self-control.

Intelligentes Cerebrum, Intelligentes Salubritas

(Intelligent Mind, Intelligent Health)

Over two thousand years ago, around 300 BCE, a wayward merchant named Zeno of Citium founded the school of Stoicism on the steps of the Stoa Poikile in Athens. Based on his deep love for the philosophies of Socrates and borrowing ideas from the unpretentious teachings of the Cynics, Zeno would extol the virtues of living a life of temperance, wisdom, justice and courage unaffected by the influence of others. Over the next five hundred years, Stoicism would grow in popularity and produce some of the greatest purveyors of these ideals in both Greece and Rome. Epictetus, Musonious Rufus, Lucius Seneca and Marcus Aurelius left behind a plethora of writings, teachings and letters that laid the foundations for a life free from the bondage of excess wealth, the chains of depression and anxiety, and the crippling effects of the lack of self-control. These ideals hold as true today as they did over two thousand years ago and make up the foundations of The Ocatd program. Simply put, The Octad is 8 days of reacquiring the things that matter most to you and your family. 8 days of rediscovering the meaning of what it is to be happy by shifting your paradigm on what happiness is. 8 days to understand that virtue is of greater wealth than money. 8 days to reinforce self-discipline and understand that you can in-fact, demand the best of yourself for those around you. 8 days, 8 activities, 8 stoic principles to set the path to a life less of self and a life full of happiness.

The Foundations of The Octad

What does OCTAD mean?

The Octad is a Greek word that is derived from Oktas or Okta meaning "Series of 8." The Octad is a program that last for 8 days, containing 8 different activities and revolves around 8 Stoic principles.

Why the number 8?

white and black 8 sign
white and black 8 sign

The number 8 was chosen for two reasons for this program. The first reason is that the number 8 has had a strong symbolic meaning throughout history. The number 8 is used 80 times in the bible and is often associated with new beginnings and resurrection. The old law also had circumcision done on the 8th day representing a new beginning. Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that 8 was a perfect number completely squared (2x2x2) and it held special meaning among his students. The second reason is that Stoicism teaches a denial of self and finding happiness in gaining self-control. There are a multitude of 7-day programs that will challenge you, but the Octad adds an 8th day and pushes the participant even farther testing endurance and self-control.

8 Stoic Principles of the Octad

  1. Dichotomy of control: Knowing what you can and can't control.

  2. Apatheia: Life free from the overindulgence of passion.

  3. Ataraxia: Imperturbability, not allowing outside forces to frustrate you.

  4. Wisdom: Understanding what is good, what is bad and what is indifferent.

  5. Temperance: Self-awareness, self-discipline, self-control

  6. Justice: Fairness, kindness, righteousness

  7. Courage: Fortitude, preparedness

  8. Simplicity: Understanding what is needed vs. what is wanted.

The 8 Principles of the Octad revolve around the core tenants of the stoic philosophy. These 8 ideas have specific applications to both mental and physical health and with practice and dedication can assist the learner in providing substantial changes in their life. The important thing to remember, is these 8 principles are realized through practice. Living these principals daily will strengthen their application in your life and become readily available when the learner is presented with life's challenges and negative influences.

"We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them."


About Us

Ryan and Melinda Mayes have been married since 2018 and have three wonderful children. They currently reside in Arizona where The Octad program was created.

Melinda has been in early education for over ten years and serves as editor, host and social media liaison for the program. Ryan is the director of a private education school and holds degrees in educational studies, elementary education and a master's degree in behavioral analysis.

Both Ryan and Melinda have struggled with several health issues. For years Ryan has dealt with the side effects of obesity, depression and anxiety. Melinda has struggled with arthritis and other chronic hereditary issues. They made a decision to create a program that would address both of their needs and set them on a course for mental and physical wellbeing. Thus, the Octad was created.